You can now provision groups of identical Compute Instances automatically thanks to Instance Pools.

Instead of managing many independent instances, you can create an Instance Pool which will automatically deploy a given number of identical virtual machines and ensure the uptime of the same number of machines. The instance Pool size can be increased or decreased at any time according to your needs.

Instance Pools are here!

This product is particularly suitable for applications which need to be scaled on demand, e.g. by adding more instances to cope with a load increase, like web servers for example.

To get started, you can have a look at our step-by-step guide that shows you how to create and manage an Instance Pool.

You may also have a look at our tutorial on how to provision Gitlab workers with an Instance Pool, to see how it looks like in action.

Instance Pool is the first of several new products that will be launched in the coming year, Stay tuned!