We are huge Terraform fans here at Exoscale. And since we have a culture of eating our own dogfood, a huge part of our infrastructure is deployed and managed with it, including our internal Kubernetes clusters.

We previously wrote about Terraform on Exoscale in general and managing your existing infrastructure with Terraform in particular.

In the latest case, the process is based on a dedicated provider for Exoscale. The provider acts as a smart proxy between the Terraform declarative model and the Exoscale command-and-control API.

Today, it’s our pleasure to announce that this provider is part of the official Github Terraform providers organization.

The benefits to our users are huge. Previously, the Exoscale provider binary had to be copied to the ~/.terraform.d/plugins directory of the local machine prior to usage. With this change, it’s now possible to start running Terraform on Exoscale right off the bat! You can now also look up our provider documentation besides the other providers on the official Terraform website.

No more hiccups during setup, start managing your Exoscale Instances without impediments.