
We are proud to partner with one of our best customers to offer to all businesses in Switzerland and Europe free access to video-conferencing solutions in order to cope with the ongoing need of home-working. eyeson will provide to all businesses its services for free, and Exoscale will provide to eyeson the needed infrastructure to make it happen. Keep safe: stay at home and keep your data in Switzerland.

Exoscale partners with eyeson

Hosted on Exoscale, in Switzerland

By subscribing from this page eyeson commits on keeping your data in Switzerland under Swiss data regulations. Your call will transit from our CH-GVA-2 Zone.

Free for everyone until the end of June 2020

The subscription gives you and your business free and non-binding access to the Eyson platform until the end of June 2020 in order to cover the ongoing crisis.

Video calls with no downloads, no lag, no hassle.

eyeson offers you perfectly crisp video calls, even during large group calls and on your mobile.