
Exoscale Foundations Exams

Prove your knowledge about the basic principles of the Exoscale platform.

Starter Exam

Starter Exam
(Level 100)

Get certified on Exoscale Cloud Basics and the specifics of Exoscale Compute, Object Storage, and DNS.

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Advanced Exam

Advanced Exam
(Level 200)

Get certified on the Exoscale Solutions Architecture and your deep understanding of Exoscale products and features.

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SKS Foundations Exams

Prove your knowledge about our Scalable Kubernetes Service (SKS) and become the next SKS Expert.

SKS Starter Exam

SKS Starter Exam
(Level 200)

Get certified on basic and advanced concepts of the Scalable Kubernetes Service (SKS).

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SKS Advanced Exam

SKS Advanced Exam
(Level 300)

Get certified on advanced topics of Exoscale Scalable Kubernetes Service (SKS), container and container orchestration usage.

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General Foundations

Prove your knowledge about basic cloud know-how and related technologies and become a cloud expert.

Pricing Exam

Intro Pricing Exam
(Level 100)

Get certified on Exoscale pricing concepts and show your knowledge on simple pricing calculations.

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Hans Berndl
Embracing lifelong learning is a challenge we all must accept. At Exoscale, we strive to make that challenge more attainable by offering enhanced learning experiences. Hans Berndl, Academy Lead

How to register for Exoscale Academy exams

Exam Levels

Contact our Academy Team

A question? Unsure about which exam is best for you? Contact our Academy Team and let us advise you individually about our courses and exams.

Trusted by engineers across Europe.

When running mission critical production workloads in the cloud, a partner you can rely on makes all the difference. Our customer success engineers have helped hundreds of customers from all over Europe migrate, run and scale production workloads on Exoscale.